a conference room with a table and chairs

Meeting Venues in Naples, FL

Set the Stage
for Success

Elevate any business setting with the most sophisticated meeting venues in Naples, FL. Our enhanced corporate spaces support the integrity of your company while giving you the comfort and convenience to drive progress.

Capacity Chart

Room Sq. Ft Size Height Location Theater Conference Class U-Shape Hollow
Windward Room 550 28'x18'x10' 10' 3rd Floor - 14 - - -
Port Boardroom 730 25'x23'x11' 11' Marina Level - 14 - - -
Leeward Room 750 31'x19'x10' 10' 3rd Floor 75 30 30 24 30
The Pointe 2,500 - 10' Marina Level 300 36 80 30 40